Why should you care about Designing for India?
Design for India newsletter
India is a pluralist state. The Indian mind is a result of remarkable diverse forces. Everything exists here in multiple variants - religions, languages, faiths and ideologies. One size fits all fails under the Indian context. With the growing access to mobile technology and the internet, there is a pressing need to find mental models that work for the diversity of the country.
The mindset with which we designed technology for the top 100 Million English speaking users will fail for the rest of the country. This newsletter is an attempt to find the unique design in tech ideas that work in Indian contexts.
Curated and penned by Dharmesh Ba
Beginning this journey with my favourite quote:
As I often say, for instance, our faith in astrology does not decrease as a result of the rising levels of our scientific education; rather, as a consequence, we effortlessly move to computerized horoscope casting! - We are like that only, Ramabijapurkar