Can you deconstruct the ELOELO app

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I recently installed it after seeing a lot of Telugu YouTube creators promoting how women can make up to 1 lakh on the app.

I only spent 10 to 15 minutes on the app

Even though it's positioned differently, I think the main core loop is talking to women by voice chat or video chat which costs in-game currency which costs real money.

Maybe they don't want to position themselves as a sexting app because it might effect women who what to use the app to make money and telling other on how there are making money on it. by positioning like a friend app they can easily market to women like make friends and make money. I remember before the covid, a lot of sexting apps focused on video chat with women were topping the top-grossing charts on the play store.

A lot of them do not exist anymore on the Indian play store and the FRND app is utilized to gain popularity, They are using soft nudgues like making friends with women for men onboarding, making money by voice chat and video chat for women onboarding.

It's vastly different from tinder because tinder do not charge basis on voice chat and video chat and based on minutes.

Tinder charges subscription for extra features from women and men irrespective how they use the app.

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How did you feel as a user using the app? Did you find the value in the app? Were you able to talk to a few users who use the app for the feedback?

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